Ò»¡¢ÆÚ¿¯¼ò½é(Introduction)(SCIÔ´ÆÚ¿¯) Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment Edited by the International Society of Food, Agriculture and Environment (ISFAE) Published by WFL Publisher in Finland Print ISSN: 1459-0255 / Online ISSN: 1459-0263
General This journal deals with the science of food, health, agriculture & environment, publishes original research, critical reviews or short communications in food science and technology, human nutrition and health, agriculture and environment management. The journal covers fundamental and applied research on various topics including articles on current issues of general interest (read more.) Journal information
This print and online journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 'JFAE' accepts original research, reviews or short notes. This journal gives an excellent opportunity to researchers, lecturers, students or experts to publish a research work or achievements. (see instructions to authors) Only accepted manuscripts will be published within a short period of time varying between 2 and 5 months. The journal accepts book & project evaluation, announcements, advertisements, news on forums or meetings and other related events. For more details read more..
Journal subject area (It is highly recommended that articles address at least two of the major categories listed below, i.e., food/health, and agricultural sciences or agricultural and environmental sciences, etc. Experts in the respective field will review all articles.). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Food &
health ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Agriculture
III. Environment
IV. Human dimensions
V. General
services --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Indexing/Abstracting The
publication of the scientific Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment
- JFAE is in its third year only, and we are in the process of assessing
its impact factor with the JCR of ISI and some other agencies.
Well known and reputed abstracting and indexing agencies currently
are indexing our journal (see below). BiologyBrowser database ¶þ¡¢µØÇø±à¼²¿ (2006 - 2010) China Regional Editorial Team
µØÇø±à¼²¿£ºÉϺ£ÊÐËÄƽ·1239ºÅ£¬Í¬¼Ã´óѧ»·¾³Ñ§Ôº±±Â¥312ÊÒ£º»·¾³·Ö×Ó¿ÆѧʵÑéÊÒ (Óʱà:200092) µç»°/´«Õ棺021-65988598 ÃØ Ê飺ÁõÏ黢¡¢ÎâÁáÁá e-mail£ºemsl@mail.tongji.edu.cn
±à¼ÒåÎñºÍȨÀû 1. The editor and assistant editor will review and edit some papers (read details in the Reviewing Process Guide of JFAE, sent as pdf). If the editor and his/her team receive many papers by e-mail, kindly forward some of them to Helsinki to be reviewed. Please review or edit the amount of manuscript according to your schedule. The rest of the manuscripts can be forwarded by email to the main office at: (info@world-food.net). We try to make this task easy to you by reducing the amount of work. To speed up the editing and reviewing process, our editors in Finland will undertake the reviewing work as well. 2. The editor and assistant editors should become active members of the scientific society ISFAE. You may download all journal and book flyers from the website (http://www.isfae.org/fliers.php) and keep them on the desk or notice board of libraries, departments, and meetings or events. 3. WFL Publisher from Finland is the only authority to send official letter of acceptance to the author. Once the regional editor or members of his/her approve any manuscript to be published in JFAE. Please send us by e-mail the contributions which are accepted and suitable to be published in JFAE. 4. Neither the editor nor the assistant editors are allowed to ask for a new ISSN number for the journal JFAE. It is strictly forbidden to print copies of JFAE journal nor to distribute it. 5. You should
be absolutely sure that the manuscript which will be accepted for publication
in JFAE has not been published and will not be published elsewhere! Once
the paper is accepted the author will submit/send by post a signed copyright
which can be downloaded from the website: 6.
The editor and the assistant editors will invite students, scientists
or experts to submit contributions directly to the editor or assistant
editors. However, you may forward some papers to our head office
in Finland for evaluation (if you are overloaded with papers:info@world-food.net).
You also may ask some authors/contributors to send by email or by post
manuscripts directly to the JFAE head office in Finland (info@world-food.net).
This will reduce the amount of work load for you and your team. 7.
The editor and assistant editors will contribute to the journal and they
will invite contributors (from different institutes or schools or universities
of the same country and some neigbrouring countries as well) to submit
papers to the scientific journal JFAE (Contributor can download the instruction
of the journal from the website). Editor and his team should guide the
authors when preparing their manuscript (for example to follow carefully
the writing instructions as mentioned in the website. There is a sample
article which can be downloaded as well). 8. Editor and assistant editor will have the authority to accept or reject or to ask for improvement of any submitted papers from your country or region. 9. The editor and assistant
editor should exchange information and promote the journal in the same
country and the region. 10. The editor and the assistant managing editors will recommend the journal (and books) to their libraries or departments to subscribe the journal. This will allow many students and scientists to get acquainted with the journal. 11.
The editor and assistant editors may suggest courses, conferences or meetings
to some head of institutes or departments. The scientific societies ISFAE
will promote the event and disseminate the information. 12. Promote and advertise the
scientific journal JFAE or the scientific organisation at local, regional
or international seminars, conferences, lectures, relevant magazines,
journals, working group network or news papers and within institutions
in your country and region or associations. Promote the journal in local
and international libraries, schools, research centres, bookstores, companies
and so on.
×ܲ¿£º Ramdane
Dris PhD. Director Èý¡¢×÷ÕßͶ¸åÒªÇóºÍ×¢ÒâÊÂÏî Print instruction for author (PDF)
SUBMISSION OF PAPERS First you should send us by email a short abstract of your article, then we will decide if the paper fits the scope of the JFAE journal. If the article is suitable a full length manuscript must be sent to at least two or three external reviewers before you submitting it to the JFAE journal. Full names and addresses including emails of the two or three reviewers must be mentioned on the final letter. Papers without proper revision will be rejected.
Once the manuscript is fully reviewed, improved and corrected, you may send it first via email (MS Word), please double check your manuscript (language, symbols, equations, references, statistical test, please use 300 dpi to 600 dpi when scanning photos but DO NOT scan figures or tables, just use the originals).
If your manuscript contains symbols, complicated graphs or tables equation etc., we kindly invite you to send it by air mail as soon as possible an electronic version saved on a CD in a format compatible with MS Word plus two hard copies of the manuscript. This will enable us to check carefully all the symbols, equations, signs etc. used in your text (please include original prints of photographs, etc.). Please include all tables or photos inside the body of the text.
Please note that inadequate or incorrect manuscript will be rejected. The English of the manuscript must be checked by at least two English scientists or language specialists. However, we might assist some scientists in language check against payment (if needed...). ¡¤ Authors will receive an acknowledgment
of receipt of their paper, normally within 3 months.
The manuscript should be accompanied by a letter of transmittal (sent by email or by air mail), in which the author may specify the name of reviewers who have reviewed the manuscript plus three or more potential referees including their complete addresses, phone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses, and areas of expertise.
In order to ensure a maximum objectivity, the author may provide names of scientists whom they do not wish to be consulted in the reviewing process, and any other special requests.
The detailed instructions for manuscript preparation are given below. The corresponding author must obtain the consent of all the co-authors for the submission of the manuscript. A manuscript submission form is also required. (Please, add full mailing addresses and all emails of co-authors). Manuscripts will only be accepted on the understanding that the contents have neither been published nor are being considered for publication elsewhere.
All submitted original research articles, reviews or notes will be reviewed by specialists in the respective fields. The accepted manuscript or other contributions will be published both in the print and online version of the journal. The Editorial board of the journal may ask authors to submit additional (if needed) information or illustrations such as photos in GIF or JPEG format for the online journal, and TIFF format for the print journal.
Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author will be asked to send or assign full copyright of the article to WFL Publisher, and send it as soon as possible to the office of the WFL Publisher in Helsinki, Finland. Thus, our office must receive the payment before the manuscript goes for print. Please make sure that your payment is timely received in order to avoid delay in publication of your article please read more .
Please make sure that you have provided us with the correct mailing address.
World Food RD Ltd. WFL Publisher
JFAE Editorial office E-mail: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As yet we do not have a page limit for the following types of contributions: Research notes, brief communications
(abstracts should be included) Typescript The hard copy of the manuscript should be typed in 1.5 line spacing on one side of A4 or 8?" ¡Á 11" paper with 2.5 cm wide left, right, top and bottom margins. Underlining to indicate italicized type (or use of italics in the manuscript) should be restricted to general and species names, and chemical descriptors (e.g. cis, trans etc). Do not underline any headings. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and indicated by * or ?. Do not use full stops after abbreviations unless essential for clarity. Abbreviations of chemical and other names should be defined when first mentioned in the body of the paper, unless commonly used and internationally known and accepted.
Units and nomenclature Units Use SI units in accordance with the recommendations of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Use the form g kg-1 etc (not %) to specify content/composition/concentration. Use %, only to express proportional change. Note that the form g 100g-1 etc is not correct. Avoid the use of g per 100g, for example in food/feed composition; instead use g kg-1. Fertilizer rates should be presented in terms of the element applied. Further information on the ISO recommendations can be obtained from the following publication issued by the British Standards Institution, London: Specification for SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units, BS 5555:1993 ISO 1000:1992.
Symbols Write all symbols, formulas and equations with great care. Unusual symbols (including Greek lettering) should be defined in words in the left margin at the first mention.
Scientific names Give the scientific names (with authority) for plants, animals, microorganisms, with generic names in full at the first mention, e.g. Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Thereafter, abbreviate them in the text, e.g. M persicae; give them in full (without authority) in the headings of sections, tables, figures and key words. Where appropriate, cultivars should be specified.
Enzyme nomenclature Identify each enzyme together with its EC number, if available, at the first mention, following the recommendations of the latest edition of Enzyme nomenclature.
Chemical nomenclature Use the current systematic IUPAC nomenclature throughout.
Statistical analyses Particular care should be taken to ensure that the appropriate statistical analyses have been carried out. The methods used should be described concisely, yet with enough information to explain how the chosen methods have been applied to the data. The form of all experimental errors and their statistical significance must be given clearly. The statistical analyses should be used in the discussion to justify inferences made against the background of normal biological variation.
Layout The main body of the paper should be divided into unnumbered sections, and each given an appropriate heading. Main headings should be on left over the text (11 fonts, bold). Choice of headings will depend on the content, but the following is recommended for research papers:
Title: This should be concise, short, specific and explain the nature of the work.
Title of manuscript ( 14 fonts, bold, like ''Agricultural production in Finland.)
3 line space The author (s) full name(s)
(starting with forename, then family, 11 fonts, bold). 2 line space
Abstract The abstract must be informative or concise, giving an overview and essential information such as the purpose of the work, the data derived from it and their statistical significance, and be intelligible without reference to the paper itself. It should not normally exceed 400 words but not less than 250 words. Authors should remember that the abstract is often the only portion of a paper read, as in abstracting journals, and the use of unusual acronyms or abbreviations should be avoided.
2 line space (for the rest of the subsections)
Key words: List the main topics incorporated in the paper, including any already given in the title. (Preferably more than 10 key words)
Introduction Include a clear description of the aims of the investigation (without summarizing the work itself), and a brief statement of previous relevant work with references. For review articles, indicate clearly the scope of the review such as subject areas, geographical area, or period covered in the review.
Experimental state clearly, in sufficient detail to permit the work to be repeated, the materials and methods used. Only new techniques and modifications to known methods need to be described in detail, but known methods must have adequate references. Include the name, postal town, code and country of the supplier or manufacturer of any chemical or apparatus not in common use. Give the statistical design (including replication) of each experiment where appropriate.
Results Present these concisely, using tables or illustrations for clarity; do not repeat the list the results in the text. State clearly the form of the experimental error and the statistical significance of the results. Do not overstate the precision of the measurements. Histograms or bar charts, unless prepared carefully, are inferior to tables. Only in exceptional circumstances will both tables and illustrations based on the same dataset/measurements be accepted. The Experimental and results sections may be combined when appropriate.
Discussion The results should be followed by a concise section to discuss and interpret them. Please, do not just repeat the results. A combined results and discussion section sometimes simplifies the presentation.
Conclusions Do not merely repeat content of preceding sections. The discussion and conclusions sections cannot be merged.
Acknowledgments Keep these to the absolute minimum.
References Check carefully for accuracy and follow the correct style. Refer to unpublished work only in the text (William M N unpublished), (Brown C D pers comm). Indicate literature references at the appropriate place in the text using superscript numbers in the order in which they appear and a full numerical list must appear at the end of the paper, giving all authors with initials after the respective surname. Ensure that all references in the list are cited in the text and vice versa. Give the date and full title of the paper in the language in which it appeared or an accurate English translation. Abbreviate all journal titles as in Chemical Abstracts or Biological Abstracts and the annual BIOSIS List of Serials, without using full stops after abbreviation. If the journal is not included, give its title in full. Volume numbers should be bold.
Note the following style and order for citation: An article with one or more authors 1 Hiilovaara-Teijo, M., Hannukkala, A., Griffith, M., Yu, X.-M., and Pihakaski-Maunsbach, K. 1999. Snow-mold-induced apoplastic proteins in winter rye leaves lack antifreeze activity. Plant Physiol. 121: 665-674.
An article in a book 2 Bradfort, M.L., Kangas, L., and Nordlund, G. 1990. Model calculations of sulfur and nitrogen deposition in Finland. In: Kauppi, P. et al. (eds.). Acidification in Finland. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. p. 167-197.
A book with one or more authors 3 ARC 1984. The nutrient requirements
of ruminant livestock. Supplement No. 1. Technical
4 Lominadze, D.G. 1981. Cyclotrone waves in plasma. 2nd ed. Oxford: Pergamon Press. 206 p.
5 M?ller, J., Th?gersen, R.,
Kjeldsen, A.M., Weisbjerg, M.R., ;?egaard, K., Hvelplund, T., and
8 Senauer, B., Asp, E., and Kinsey, J. 1991. Food trends and the changing consumer. St. Paul, MN: Eagan Press.
Conference papers 1 Petit, M., Garel, J.P., D'Hour, P., and Agabriel, J. 1995. The use of forages by the beef cow herd. In: Journet, M. et al. (eds.). Recent developments in the nutrition of herbivores. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. Paris: INRA editions. p. 473-496.
2 Niskanen, M. 1990. Zinc adsorption and increase of plant zinc concentration upon zinc application in mineral soils of Finland. Transactions of the 15th World Congress of Soil Science, Acapulco, Mexico. 5b: 395-396.
When quoting patents give the
name of the applicant, the year of publication, the title, the country
and patent or application number, for example: Abbreviations The International System of Units (SI) should be used. Accepted common names of the active ingredients of chemical formulations should be used in preference to trade names, and confirmed to internationally recognised codes of nomenclature. Generic and specific Latin names should be typed in italics.
Tables Tables containing numerical data should be kept to a minimum, and should only include essential information (with the level of significant errors). All tables, graphs or photos must be inserted in the body of the text. Each table should have a concise self-explanatory title, and abbreviations used should be defined directly below the tables. Full stops ,but not commas, should be used as decimal points. When preparing tables with a word processor, please note that the tabulation key, and not the space bar, should be used to line up the columns. Table-making procedures can also be used.
Figures (drawings and photographs) Figures should be selected
bearing in mind the printed page format, allowing for the effect of a
potential (less than 33%) reduction in size. Alphabetical or numerical
characters should be at least 1.5 mm high in print. The figures should
be consecutively numbered in Arabic numerals, and their position should
be indicated in the margin. All legends to figures should be printed on
the same sheet for each figure. Drawings reproduced with a high quality
laser printer are preferred. Photographs, if used, should be of good contrast
and printed on glossy paper. All figures, photos or tables should be presented
in the body of the text. Please use 300 dpi to 600 dpi when scanning your
photos or graphs to avoid bad printing quality. Kindly reduce the size
of your file. Where possible, illustrations should also be sent by air
mail and submitted in electronic format (saved in CD along with the hard
copy text) or sent as (email / MSword.version) . Also save each figure
as a separate file, in TIFF or EPS format preferably, and include the
source file. Write on the disk the software used to create the files.
Use dedicated illustration packages in preference to tools such as Excel
or PowerPoint. Line drawings and figures should be in a form suitable
for direct reproduction, no larger than A4 or 8?" ¡Á 11", in
black ink, with stenciled lettering (avoid using dry transfer, typewritten
or handwritten lettering) all in proportion to the amount of detail. Computer-drawn
diagrams must be prepared on a high quality laser or ink jet printer or
plotter, not on a dot matrix printer or equivalent. Use only essential
characters and insert these and any other symbols clearly; explain all
symbols used, and where a key to symbols is required, please include this
in the artwork itself, not in the figure legend. On graphs, include labels
and units on axes. Present logarithmic scales with arithmetic numbering
0.1, 1, 10, 100 rather than -1, 0, 1, 2. Avoid unnecessarily long axes
that lead to large blank spaces on graphs. Line drawings and figures should
all require the same degree of reduction and all characters must be chosen
so that after reduction they are at least 1.5 mm in height. The type area
of the Journal is 172 mm wide ¡Á 249 mm deep, in two columns each 81 mm
wide, and the characters should therefore be large enough to be legible
after reduction of the illustrations to fit the page or column width.
Electrophoresis patterns These are complex photographs, which often lack clarity, should not be included except to make a particular point. Where the reporting of gel electrophoresis, SDS gels, immuno-electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing etc., is essential, adhere to the following principles: a single zone requires only
description in the text number all zones and identify
those common to more than one track Prepare these on a separate sheet as described for illustrations, and number the individual formulae with Roman numerals (I, II). All bonds, charges and free radicals should be accurately positioned. Indicate aromatic and unsaturated heterocyclic systems using double bonds. Preferably use general structures, distinguishing related compounds by substituents R1, R2 etc.
The text must be written in grammatically correct English and well structured in both style and content. Poorly written manuscripts will not be considered for publication. However, we might assist some scientists in language check against payment (if needed...)
COPYRIGHT No article or other contributions can be published unless accompanied by a signed publication agreement, which serves as a transfer of copyright from author to publisher. A publication agreement may be obtained from the editor or the publisher. A copy of the publication agreement appears in most issues of the journal. Upon acceptance of a manuscript by the journal, the author(s) will be asked to sign a transfer of copyright ''Copyright assignment form'' of the paper to The World-Food. RD / WFL Publisher. The transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information. It is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission to reproduce material that has appeared in another publication. A form for this purpose will be sent with the manuscript acceptance letter. All selected manuscripts for publication in the print journal will be automatically considered for the online journal and other possible publications by the World Food.RD / WFL Publisher.
To facilitate correspondence please keep the Editorial office informed of any changes to your address, e-mails and telephone or fax number
Copyright assignment form Please fill out parts 1 and 2 of the Copyright assignment form, (you can write directly into the PDF form) sign and return one to the editor to the address provided, and keep the duplicate copy. If you do not own the copyright to your article, please complete part 1 and get the copyright holder to complete and sign part 3.
Offer from WFL Publisher WFL Publisher offers 10% reduction (to each subscriber/customer) if you invite some libraries or department to subscribe the scientific journal JFAE.
Important notes on the assignment of copyright The journal's policy is to
acquire copyright for all contributions as: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright World Food RD Ltd / WFL Publisher, 2002 All rights reserved. No part of these publications or any related material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher. World Food RD Ltd / WFL Publisher, Meri-Rastilantie 3 C 00980 Helsinki, Finland. No responsibility is assumed by the World Food RD Ltd / WFL Publisher staff, for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein.
Note from the Editorial office
The editorial staff is willing
to assist some scientists or students from some developing countries in
case they can not pay for the publication fees. Despite our limited budget,
the editorial staff, is willing to make few exceptions to waive the publication
fees. We at the JFAE
Editorial office greatly appreciate your choice for The Journal of Food,
Agriculture & Environment as an outlet for your work. Please do not
hesitate to contact us if we can be of further assistance. Publication
fee Publication & invoice information
1. Fund raising is crucial to run this scientific journal.
2. Authors will be informed by email once their manuscripts have reached our Editorial office.
3. After a reviewing process (between 1 and 4 months) we will send a note of acceptance or non-acceptance for publication of the manuscript by email. If the manuscript is accepted we will send you by email the invoice to be paid immediately. This is to speed up the printing and mailing processes.
We will postpond the publication of your manuscript if the payment is done late.
4. We charge the publication fees by the number of pages (including tax and postage costs). Invoices will be sent by email (Pdf files), but if needed, we can send it by post. Make very sure that your postal or email addresses are correct.
5. Before the journal goes to print, only those who have paid the publication fees will receive by email (Pdf file) the galley proof for a quick and final check. We, therefore, request you to send us all your emails. Please make sure that your postal address is complete and correct so that you will receive a hard copy of the journal. We can not re-send the same journal copy again because of the high postage costs.
6. Please shorten your manuscript because if the length of your contribution is more than five pages, an additional charge of €20/€10 (developed / developing countries) per page (excluding the postage cost) will be added.
1 page size A4: single space; font 12; margins: 2.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 1- Accepted manuscripts will be published with the understanding that the author will pay a charge which covers the costs of peer-reviewing, copyediting, publishing manuscript, design and mailing. For authors, in developing countries we have 50% discounts per page. Additional sets of reprints may also be ordered at before or at the time of proof correction.
* 2- We also offer special discount to authors from the developing countries, whose library and/or department are subscriber to the scientific journal JFAE. We appreciate if you kindly recommend our journal and books to your library or department.
* 3- If you have any question or worries concerning the payment just send an email to: info@world-food.net and our staff will answer at your request as soon as possible.
Those who publish often in the scientific journal JFAE will have 10% discount. -1 printing page size A4: single space; font 12; margins: 2.5
-Only accepted manuscripts will be published between 3 and 5 months.
-The scientific journal JFAE promotes the rapid publication of research or review papers. During last years the total time take for peer-reviewing, copyediting, and publishing has drastically reduced. For quick evaluation, authors can submit their manuscripts through email. Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript the earliest time. Following acceptance, the publication fees should be paid as soon as possible and the paper will normally be published in the next available issue.
The copyright and the payment
must be received by our office before the manuscript goes for print, thus,
please make sure that the requested documents are timely received in order
to avoid delay in publication of your article. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -10% discount when publishing
your article in the scientific journal JFAE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We encourage author to purchase
some reprints to distribute to colleagues! This cost is exclusive of printing, cover, packing and mailing charges. Due to our very limited budget , we unfortunately, can not provide you with free reprints.
Requested reprints will be sent by surface mail and will be received between two to three months from the date of publishing.
Should you have any question, please contact our Editorial office:
JFAE Editorial office Meri-Rastilantie 3 C, FIN-00980
Helsinki, Finland Email:Editorial@world-food.net
Payment by credit card:
Paying with VISA or MASTER CARD
Please complete the credit card payment form (you can type directly into the PDF form) and send one copy of the form by fax or air mail to the WFL Publisher / JFAE Editorial office.
Warning: Do not send the form by email. WFL Publisher / World Food Rd Ltd. / ISFAE cannot guarantee the safety of your credit card details if you send the form by email.
We would like to get the full sum of payment. a nominal fee of € 20¡¯s will be added to your payment (bank charges).
The editorial staff is willing to assist some scientists or students from some developing countries. The cost of publication may be reduced or waived, if your library or department has subscribed the JFAE journal.
*To facilitate correspondence please keep the Editorial office informed of any changes in regards to your mailing address, e-mails and telephone/fax numbers.
We at the JFAE Editorial office greatly appreciate your choice for The Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment as an outlet for your work. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of further assistance.
WFL Publisher JFAE Editorial office Tel:Fax: 00 358 9 75 92 775