生物化学 胶束化学

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Before 1995|1996-1999|2000|2001|2002|2003|2004|2005/06|2007/08|09/10|

20 Updated determination of mercury and its chelate's characteristic parameters with OCDA by Beta-correction Spectrophotometry

-------H. W. GAO, Zh. Prik. Spektros , 1996,63(6):951-955

21 Synthesis of amido black diazoaminoazobenzene and its application to spectrophotometric determination of micrograms of Cd

-------Zhang P.F., H. W. GAO and Li Y, Talanta, 1998, 46:355-359 (SCI CDE)

22 Beta-correction spectrophotometric determination of mercury and its complex ratio with malachite green

------ H. W. GAO, Ind. J. Chem. ,(Section A), 1996,35A(1):41-43 (SCI CDE)

23 Updated spectrophotometric determination of cadmium in waste water with o-methylbenzenediazoaminobenzene-p-azobenzene

------- H. W. GAO and Zou F., Arm. Chem.J. , 1997, 50(3-4):42-49

24 Updated spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of cadmium in metal with o-bromobenzenediazoaminobenzene- p-azobenzene

-----P.F.Zhang, H. W. GAO, Can. J. Appl. Spectrosc. ,1996,41(1):1-5 (SCI CDE)

25 Analysis of Al-chelate solution by Beta-correction spectrophotometry

----- H. W. GAO, Anal. Lab. ,1997,6(1):55-58

26 Dual-wavelength Beta-correction spectrophotometric determination of mercury in waste water

----H. W. GAO, Rev Soc Quim Mex. ,1997,41(6):243-247

27 Beta-correction Spectrophotometry for Determinationof Trace Mercury and Its Complex Ratio to p-Dimethylaminobenzal Rhodanine

----H. W. GAO, Selected Papers of Engineering Chem. and Metallurgy -1995 ,p148-154

28 Beta-correction principle and application to cadmium-MEB chelate characteristic parameters' determination

----H. W. GAO, J. Molar. Sci. ,1996,12(2):122-127

29 Analysis to cobalt chelate solution with m-chloroazoantipyline and determination of trace amounts of cobalt by beta-correction spectrophotometry

---- H. W. GAO, Can. J. Appl. Spectrosc. , 1996, 41(5): 113-118 (SCI CDE)

30 Beta-correction spectrophotometry and its application to determination of trace amounts and composition of their chelate using the example of a calcium complex with chlorophosphonazo III

-----H. W. GAO., J. Anal. Chem. (Russia), 1997,52(2):141-143 (SCI CDE)

31 Beta-correction spectrophotometric determination of cadmium and characteristic parameters of its chelates formed with 2-(2-chlorophenyl-azoamino)-4-(phenylazo)benzene

----- H. W. GAO and Zhang P F, Ind. Lab. (Russia), 1996,62(6):335-338 (SCI-EE)

32 Beat-correction spectrophotometric determination of silver and Its chelate's characteristic parameters with dithizone

----H. W. GAO, Water Treatment , 1995,10(4):367-372

33 Analysis of cobalt chelate solution with chrome azophenol KS anddetermination of trace amounts of cobalt in metal samples

---- H. W. GAO, Ind. J. Chem , section A, 1998,37:367-370 (SCI CDE)

34 Dual-wavelength beta-correction spectrophotometric analysis of silver chelate solution with methylene blue

---- H. W. GAO, Quim. Anal. (Spain),1998,17:39-43 (SCI-EE)

35 Modified spectrophotometric determination of mercury and its characteristic parameter

---- Zou F and H. W. GAO, Selected papers of engineering Chem. and metallurgy- 1996, 1997,p187-193

36 Study on photoabsorption of Al chelate solution with chrome azurol S

── H. W. GAO, ЖАХ , 1997,52(11):1152-1156 (SCI CDE)

37 Updated beta-correction spectrophotometric investigation of zinc chelate solution with acid chrome blue K and detremination of zinc

── H. W. GAO, Asian J. Chem. , 1998,10(1):79-85 (SCI-EE)

38 Further analysis of copper chelate solution with murexide

── H. W. GAO et al , Asian J. Chem. , 1998, 10(1):23-28 (SCI-EE)

39 Beta-correction spectrophotometric investigation of copper chelate solution with ACBK and determination of trace copper

── H. W. GAO , Chen Y S, Asian J. Chem. , 1999,11(2):300-306 (SCI-EE)

40 Development of beta-correction spectrophotometric principle

── H. W. GAO , Asian J. Chem. , 1999, 11(2) : 319-326 (SCI-EE)

41 Determination of germanium with phenylfluorone by beta-correction spectrophotometry

--------Zhang P F, H. W. GAO , Asian J. Chem., 1998,10(4):767-770 (SCI-EE)

42 Synthesis of p-nitrobenzenediazoamido black 10B and its application to spectrophtometric determination of micro amounts of cadmium

---------Zhang P F , H. W. GAO , Asian J. Chem., 1999,11(2):484-489 (SCI-EE)

43 Analysis of calcium complex solution with new ligand CPDBP by beta-correction spectrophotometry

---------H. W. GAO, Zhang P F, Zav. Lab., 1998, 65(2):2-4 . (SCI-EE)

44 Beta-correction spectrophotometric investigation of silver complex with ligand, DCBDAB and determination of trace amounts of silver in wastewater

---------H. W. GAO, et al, Can. J. Anal. Sci. Spectrosc., 1999, 44(4):117-122 (SCI CDE)

45 Analysis of Ni chelate solution with m-chloroazoantipyrine and determination of trace amounts of Ni in wastewater

─── H. W. GAO and Zhang P F, Asian J. Chem. , 1999,11(3):715-720 (SCI-EE)

46 Further analysis of calcium complex solution with methyl thymol blue

─── H. W. GAO, Asian J. Chem. , 1999,11(3):721-727 (SCI-EE)

47 Reanalysis of silver chelate solution and determination of trace amounts of silver in wastewater

─── H. W. GAO, Asian J. Chem. , 1999, 11(3):740-745 (SCI-EE)

48 Spectrophotometric determination of suspending solid in natural water

─── H. W. GAO, M. H. Mou and J. F. Zhao, Asian J. Chem., 1999, 11(3):1556-1558 (SCI-EE)

49 Analysis of cadmium chelate solution with four ligands

─── H. W. GAO , Asian J. Chem. , 1999, 11(3):734-739 (SCI-EE)

50 Spectrophotometric investigation of cadmium complex solution with m-bromobenzenediazoaminoazobenzene

---------H. W. GAO, et al, Chin. Chem. Lett., 1999, 10(11):957-960 (SCI-EE)



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